You really can get a
free Bible! This is a genuine offer available for UK and Ireland residents only. We offer the Bible because we believe it is the Word of God.
WHAT MUST I DO TO GET IT?All you have to do is complete some
online quizzes. They’re not difficult! Each quiz of 20 questions is based on a different Bible subject, and each question has five possible answers. You just click on the answer that you think is correct. If you get it wrong you’ll be prompted to have another go. An online Bible reference with the correct answer is displayed for each question.
WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THE QUIZZES?We want you to experience learning from the Bible even before you get your own hardcover copy. It's valuable to read and study the Bible, not just own it and put it on a shelf (it can stay in our boxes just as well). We feel that the quizzes will help to discover the Bible for yourself.
START your first quiz and register immediately after. Complete any 10 of the 28 quizzes. Take your time, there's no rush. When you've completed your 10 quizzes a notification will be sent both to you and to us. We will send your Bible as quickly as possible. Yes, that's all.
P.S. Thousands have received theirs so far - see